CORE CONCEPTUAL CONTRIBUTION: Henry E. Hale, Why Not Parties in Russia? Democracy, Federalism, and the State (NY: Cambridge University Press, 2006).

Olga Onuch and Henry E. Hale, The Zelensky Effect (London/Oxford: Hurst Publishers and Oxford University Press, November 2022).
Henry E. Hale, “How Should We Now Conceptualize Protest, Diffusion, and Regime Change?Journal of Conflict Resolution, v.63, no.10, November 2019, pp.2402-2415.
Henry E. Hale and Timothy J. Colton, “Who Defects? Unpacking a Defection Cascade from Russia's Dominant Party 2008-12,” American Political Science Review, v.111, no.2, May 2017, pp.322-37.
Henry E. Hale, “The Nemtsov Vote: Public Opinion and Pro-Western Liberalism’s Decline in Russia,” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, v.24, no.1, Winter 2016, pp.69-87.
Timothy J. Colton and Henry E. Hale, “Putin’s Uneasy Return and Hybrid Regime Stability: The 2012 Russian Election Studies Survey,” Problems of Post-Communism, v.61, no.2, March/April 2014, pp.3-22.
Henry E. Hale, “Did the Internet Break the Political Machine? Moldova’s 2009 ‘Twitter Revolution that Wasn’t,’” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, v.21, no.3, Fall 2013, pp.481-505.
Henry E. Hale, “Regime Change Cascades: What We Have Learned from the 1848 Revolutions to the 2011 Arab Uprisings,” Annual Review of Political Science, v.16, June 2013, pp.331-53.
Henry E. Hale, “The Uses of Divided Power,” Journal of Democracy, v.21, no.3, July 2010, pp.84-98.

Henry E. Hale and Timothy J. Colton, “Russians and the Putin-Medvedev ‘Tandemocracy’: A Survey-Based Portrait of the 2007-08 Election Season,” Problems of Post-Communism, v.57, no.2, March/April 2010, pp.3-20.
Timothy J. Colton and Henry E. Hale, “The Putin Vote: Presidential Electorates in a Hybrid Regime,” Slavic Review, v.68, no.3, Fall 2009, pp.473-503.

Henry E. Hale, “Democracy or Autocracy on the March? The Colored Revolutions as Normal Dynamics of Patronal Presidentialism,” Communist and Post-Communist Studies, v.39, no.3, September 2006, pp.305-29.

Henry E. Hale, “Why Not Parties? Supply and Demand on Russia’s Electoral Market,” Comparative Politics, v.37, no.2, January 2005, pp.147-66.
Henry E. Hale, “Yabloko and the Challenge of Building a Liberal Party in Russia,” Europe-Asia Studies, v.56, no.7, November 2004, pp.993-1020.
Henry E. Hale, “The Origins of United Russia and the Putin Presidency: The Role of Contingency in Party-System Development,” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, v.12, no.2, Spring 2004, pp.169-94.
Henry E. Hale, “Explaining Machine Politics in Russia’s Regions: Economy, Ethnicity, and Legacy,” Post-Soviet Affairs, v.19, no.3, July-September 2003, pp.228-63.

Henry E. Hale, “Machine Politics and Institutionalized Electorates: A Comparative Analysis of Six Duma Races in Bashkortostan, Russia,” Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, v.15, no.4, December 1999, pp.70-110.

Henry E. Hale, “Bashkortostan: The Logic of Ethnic Machine Politics and the Consolidation of Democracy,” in Timothy J. Colton and Jerry F. Hough (eds.) Growing Pains: Russian Democracy and the Election of 1993 (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1998) pp.599-636.

Henry E. Hale, “Why Do Political Systems Become Party Systems? Addressing a Cross-National Puzzle through Subnational Survey Data,” in William Reisinger, ed., Russia’s Regions and Comparative Subnational Politics (New York: Routledge, 2013) pp.63-81. Co-author: Timothy J. Colton.

Henry E. Hale, “Party Development in a Federal System: The Impact of Putin’s Reforms,” in Peter Reddaway and Robert Orttung, eds., The Dynamics of Russian Politics: Putin's Reform of Federal-Regional Relations, v.2 (Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005), pp.179-211.
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